With Freedom There Comes a Massive Responsibility

This is the age of digitization. Today everyone is in a hurry and everything is changing so rapidly. That the human race has forgotten to stand still for a while and enjoy some leisure time. Digital inventions have made a great difference in the world. It modified everything drastically and that too in very little time. There was a time when people used to wait for 9 pm to watch top Urdu news in Pakistan on their television sets, and then came the time when these TVs ran round the clock and transmission of breaking news Pakistan became the norm. Be it any hospital in Pakistan, airports, any restaurant, or barbershop.
No matter where you go you would find a television or an LED screen, perhaps for the sake of entertainment or to keep the audience engaged, but mostly you get to see top Urdu news in Pakistan running on them so everyone stays updated. The 24-hour running news channels mostly do their business on breaking news Pakistan which makes the news sensational enough.
Sensationalism impacts society in wrong ways
The ever-growing sensationalism shown on the top Urdu news in Pakistan triggered multiple things not only in our society but has also affected the mental health of the people in unexpected ways. This could also be one of the reasons that a large number of citizens of Pakistan are heading towards mental health care clinics. Even in cities like Multan, Bahawalpur, Abbottabad, and other such cities, people are seeking the best psychiatrist in Multan, Bahawalpur, Abbottabad, and others. The negativity shown on the top Urdu news in Pakistan influences the subconscious or unconscious of the people due to which mental stresses and problems like anxiety and depression develop and create problems for the people.
People have become insensitive to violent content
Apart from getting anxiety and depression from seeing the breaking news in Pakistan, it is also desensitizing the viewers by showing heinous and violent acts, for instance, by covering a sight where a bomb blast just occurred and showing the burnt and injured or sometimes dead bodies. With such content, you get the views but this is a disrespect to humanity and it also makes people insensitive to such things.
This kind of content not only impacts the adults but if any minor see it by mistake. Then this site can jolt his personality and may impact his whole life. Since these news channels run such content you get to see insensitivity in society. Things or sights which used to be heart-wrenching or heinous are neglected today. And this neglect has been normalized which is an alarming thing.
What steps are taken in order to scan the content running on TV channels?
Keeping an eye on the content running on the TV channels is very important. The government of Pakistan has evolved a department with the name PEMRA which stands for Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority. This authority has made rules and regulations about the content which can get aired on the TV channels. PEMRA screens out all the violent content now. Only allows the friendly one to be transmitted on the TV channels. This filter has certainly made the content better. Today, whatever is aired on the TV channels, is aired responsibly! Responsibility is the basic thing.
We should use social media with responsibility as well
With advancements in technology, we have got multiple other digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other such apps. Nowadays people rely on these apps for instant and authentic information and news more than TV channels. If we say that TV is gradually becoming obsolete for this generation then it won’t be wrong. Everyone has his own smartphone and that makes the world accessible to everyone. Literally, the world lies in your palm today, you can reach anything, anywhere in the world.
These digital outlets also gave voice to the people. You can put anything on these platforms from anywhere. PEMRA can filter and control the content transmitted on the TV channels. But scanning what people put on social media is tricky, also when the uploader is hiding his identity. There comes personal choice and decision. One should act responsibly and stop showcasing unethical, violent, or disturbing videos or images on social media.
Be careful with your words
Not only that, but people should also use their words with some sense of responsibility as your comments can seriously impact the people you are commenting on, and in some cases, they might get the need of visiting the best hospital in Pakistan. I am a resident of Multan. I have seen a few cases myself where the patient had to visit the psychiatrist in Multan just because he took everything on social media very seriously which badly impacted his mental condition. We all should act responsibly and sensitively because with freedom comes massive responsibility. And just realize that if it’s someone else at the moment. Later it could be you or your loved one as well.