Are you the proud owner of a pet in the UK? Well, you should know about the following animal and pet laws to avoid legal issues:
You Can’t Let Your Dog Bark
Your dog’s bark might be normal for you, but it might disturb other people. Your dog can freely bark and play anywhere in the UK. However, if you are on the Lancashire Coast, you will get into trouble if you encourage your dog to bark loudly. Without the permission of a police officer, you can’t make your dog bark. So, if you have a loud and vocal dog, you should consider taking it for a walk at places where you can play with it without worrying about getting into trouble with the law enforcement agencies.
Your Pet Can’t Mate With a Pet Belonging to the Royal Family
Why does this law exist? Well, we don’t know, as there’s no way your dog will end up meeting the Queen’s two dogs, Vulcan and Candy. However, in the rarest of scenarios, if your dog ever gets to meet a dog from the royal house, it is not allowed to mate with it without permission. Furthermore, if your dog gets intimate with any of the royal house’s pets, you will be heavily penalized. Moreover, before the death penalty was abolished in the UK, the offender of this law would suffer a death penalty! So, if you don’t want to get into trouble with the royal family, keep your pet away from royal pets.
You Can’t Ride a Horse While Being Drunk
We know that driving a car or riding a bike while being drunk is illegal in the UK. However, did you know that you can’t ride a horse or any other cattle while being drunk? According to the Licensing Act 1872, a person in charge of a public place or highway can’t ride any horse, cattle or carriage under the influence of alcohol. So, if you are having a night out with your friends, you should take a cab home instead of driving a car – or riding a horse.
You Can Only Bury Your Pet under the Grounds of Your House
If you have ever lost a pet, we can understand how it might’ve felt. When pets die, they leave the owner depressed and lonely. Also, burying your pet is an extremely heart-breaking task. You might’ve thought of a good place to bury your pet. However, according to British law, you can only bury your pet under the grounds of your house, where it lived. You must be the landowner as you can’t bury your pet under the ground of a rented property as well.
You Can’t Have a Pig In Front of Your House
You might love your cute piglet and not have a problem with it resting and roaming around your house. However, according to the Town Police Clauses Act 1847(9), keeping your pig in front of your house is a crime. Therefore, the only way your pig can stay there is if it’s properly hidden and kept out of other people’s sight. So, if you own a pig, we recommend you keep it in your backyard or hide it in a shelter.
You Can’t Run Your Cow on the Streets during the Day
Whether you live in a rural or an urban area, you have to keep your cows out of the streets, especially during the day. According to the Metropolitan Streets Act of 1867(8), you cannot run your cows down the roadway between 10 am and 7 pm. However, if you have the approval of the Commissioner of the Police, you can run your cows down the streets.
You Have To Microchip Your Pet
If you own a dog or any other pet, it’s important to microchip it, as it helps the government keep track and find it if it ever gets lost. Therefore, if you own a pet (especially a dog) in the UK, it’s mandatory under the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 to microchip it. If you fail to do so, you will face a heavy fine and might also get prosecuted.
Your Pet Has To Wear a Seatbelt
Pets can often distract you while driving, resulting in an accident. Therefore, if you are travelling by car with your pet, you have to buckle it up. If you fail to do so, the authorities will invalidate your car’s insurance and fine you up to £5,000.
If you are a student pursuing legal studies, you should know about various laws and acts. Moreover, you should also score well for a satisfactory final grade in your coursework. However, if you don’t know how to write high-scoring law coursework, you should opt for our help with law coursework