Doctors and Child specialist in Lahore have identified these milestones as markers of healthy childhood development, but please don’t rely on them alone to determine whether your child is developing normally.
In addition to consulting with your pediatrician in Lahore or family doctor, it’s important to keep an eye on your child’s overall happiness and well-being and his physical growth and development. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, schedule an appointment with a pediatrician.
From Newborn
Check-in on your newborn every 15 minutes, no matter what. Just make sure you have a firm grasp on how many of those minutes have passed first.
You should notice some noticeable growth from week to week and month to month. Within days, you’ll be able to tell your baby’s gender, which is a huge milestone for parents who are hoping for one sex or another. But it’s not long before you start thinking about weeks and months:
At 2 weeks old, an infant should start making some noises.
At 3 months old, they might be looking around more intently.
By 6 months old, they should be cooing and laughing.
From 6 Months
During his first 6 months, your baby is more than likely napping when you do. His development will start to pick up again, though, and soon he’ll be able to hold his head on his own and even begin interacting with others by smiling. He’ll also put himself in uncomfortable positions and start taking an interest in objects around him.
If you notice anything out of the ordinary, be sure to take him in to see a pediatrician in Lahore immediately so that she can check for any physical problems or delays. Additionally, remember that it’s never too early to talk with a best child specialist in Lahore about how best to go about developing your child’s cognitive skills. Children develop at their own pace and need guidance from adults as they grow.
From 1 Year
If you suspect your child is experiencing developmental delays at age 1, it’s good to have them evaluated by a pediatrician near you in Lahore. There are many steps parents can take at home if they notice something odd about their child’s development—but one of the most important things is getting medical advice from someone who has experience with children and babies.
Your pediatrician in Lahore will help keep tabs on your child as they grow and make recommendations based on age-appropriate milestones. For example, when kids turn 1, they should start learning how to sit up on their own; if they don’t do so within two months of turning 1, that could indicate that there’s something wrong.
From 2 Years
By age 2, most children have mastered several basic skills:
- They can stand on one foot.
- Walk alone.
- Usually begin saying words
Toddlers typically begin walking between 10 and 15 months old. This is a big milestone—it means that babies are growing stronger, faster, and more coordinated. Your child may start cruising just after their first birthday—walking while holding onto furniture or other objects to steady himself.
From 5 Years and Older
Children who are 5 years and older should have some of their nutrition needs met by food. A healthy diet will ensure that your child consumes enough nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to meet their growth and development needs.
The ideal ratio of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) in a child’s diet is roughly 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent, etc. for more details contact with pediatrician in Lahore.